Weight, weight...don't tell me

So I made a serious decision about my health since I've got jaw surgery coming up within the next 2-6 months (depends on my orthodontist's okay).

Mark and I tried Nutrisystem last summer and we both managed to lose about 10-16 lbs (my max was 13 at one point). The food really stinks by the way. I don't care what anyone says. 

After 3 months, we both hit the wall. We joined the Y in hopes of exercising and getting some more poundage off. I checked into Ideal Protein while we were deciding whether or not to proceed with Nutrisystem and while I felt the medical science part of it was sound it just seemed to pricey for us. 

Well, fast forward a year: we dropped the Y because we just weren't using it and it was a huge financial drain when Mark wasn't working and while I managed to cook at home to save big bucks (which I did!) it really affected our weight. I gained everything I had lost plus 4 more pounds!

I'm telling you, being this overweight just plain sucks. I don't think I've ever felt so uncomfortable in my life. My knees, my hips and my feet were really bugging me. I certainly was huffing and puffing a lot anytime I took the dogs for a walk. I also was so shocked to see me having to buy clothing ANOTHER size bigger. I almost couldn't take it. Then I thought to myself, "Well, just because I'm big doesn't mean I can't look good." and I started buying more colorful clothes and such to try to get myself out of the dumps. It was okay for awhile..... but I started looking at all my photos from recent months and couldn't get over how fat I looked. I know, I know....vanity thy name is Trina!  I was changing clothes one morning and all my old tops were tight - I looked like I was 6-7 months pregnant because my belly was so huge!  I just about lost it.....seriously. I figured out ways to hide the problematic areas with the clothing I had so I managed for a while though.

Well, something clicked in me. I don't know what the exact moment was but I decided to gain control back. I've been doing something wrong in terms of diet and exercise all of my life. I've never been 'thin' but I managed to be what I thought was healthy for many years. I did have that belly pooch for as far back as I can recall. I remember being 12 years old, running around on the beach at Kalaloch looking down at my belly and wondering why I was so fat. And guess what....I wasn't!  I just had that little pooch which was probably normal for a 12 year old who was just beginning to go through puberty. Yeesh.... I went through so much anxiety about my body image from that day on. I was so envious of the skinny girls in high school. I dieted, ran, danced, biked, etc., to lose the extra 'fat' and managed to be a size 6 or 7 but I thought I was FAT! Can you believe that?  Luckily, I never resorted to bulemic behavior but I did show some anorexic ones. I starved myself frequently living on Tab Diet Soda for days.... and probably did some damage to my metabolism for the quick fix that resulted from not eating much.

Ugh.... I went through the normal ups and downs in college but managed to settle in at around 135-141 through my 20's. I ate normally and worked out BUT I THOUGHT I WAS STILL FAT. God, I still can't get over my twisted body image! 

My 30's managed to be relatively normal but I never thought I was thin or healthy. Still saw that belly pooch and since I wasn't a size 6 anymore I thought I was huge. When I got divorced I lost a little weight but it wasn't permanent. I worked out when I started dating a body builder and got my weight down a little but because I'm so muscular I started gaining weight from the muscle. I could not shake the numbers I was seeing.  I was wearing size 8's again but I thought I was huge. Well, I went through a very dramatic breakup with the body builder and in 10 days I lost 18 lbs. SERIOUSLY.  I remember going through a dramatic depression but at the same time the weight loss was a huge ego boost. I went through a bad time, behaving very unlike me and dating too many guys. I was skinny though and those guys were liking what they saw! Ugh..... I still look back at those days with a little shame.

Anyway, I meet the man I was meant to be with and the weight slowly starts creeping up...on both of us. I have gained 40 lbs since that first date!  Well, we both gained a lot of weight thanks to our happiness and getting comfortable plus getting older and hitting our 40's when our metabolism really likes to slow down. We both used to be very active (Mark  through martial arts, me through dance).
But we both got too busy/lazy/whatever and now we're both 40-50 lbs overweight.

Well, after visiting the IP office last summer (in part because of my friend Sharon who lost 40+ lbs on the program) I let that stew in my brain because I just couldn't justify the expense. I finally decided to do research online, ask other clients about their experiences and results and so on. After finding that one of my favorite shirts which used to be huge on me was too tight, I just hit the wall and said "I'm done waiting." I knew I had to jump on the IP train because it works.  The results can be quick like for my friend Alicia or a little more steady like my friend Sharon. But the thing is.... the results are technically fast because it's medically sound and it's doing what no other program is doing. It's making your body burn the reserve fat that sitting all around your body.  So.....I talked to Mark and asked him if he could financially handle this burden and let me try. He being the sweet man that he is asked to think about it and then asked me some questions and did some research on his own. He came back at me the next night with a "Go for it." It is a financial burden but it's something I have to try. I've seen the long lasting results over and over and it's not a diet for any longer than you need to lose the weight. Once you lose your excess pounds, you switch to a maintenance plan that is normal and sound and easy to follow. It's about making healthy choices and having a cheat day to splurge so you never feel deprived.

So, I signed up in late July but because my cousin's wedding was the first weekend in August was told to enjoy that first, then start the following Monday. I've made it through 7 full days and today is my second week. You always lose lots the first week because it's water and a little bit of muscle (that is normal). After that, your body has been cleansed because you're not eating any sugar and you're eating the leanest protein possible (but still have to have some fats).  I'm stuffing myself with vegetables all the time to the point I always feel full. The program provides crunchy chips (both savory and sweet) and puddings, shakes, drinks and cookies that satisfy your sweet tooth. I've done great in terms of cravings. I don't crave sugar at all. That is a major miracle. I do want savory things though so I'm probably going to invest more in their chips so I can feel like I'm not being deprived. I had their Southwest cheese curls yesterday and I was in heaven!  Seriously! I thought I was cheating because they tasted so damn good! I'm going to use them as croutons on a taco salad next time I get to have them!

So, there it is. I knew I needed to put this down in writing that I started a serious diet change and that I'm working toward a serious weight loss goal of 42-50 lbs. It will all depend on where my body fat percentage is when I get closer to the numbers I like. If my body fat dips too much I probably will transition into maintenance sooner. I have a lot of muscle according to the cool machines at the office so I guess my metabolism will actually go up higher than most people once my pancreas resets and my body fat is burned off to a good and normal range. I cannot complain about that!  I always hated my big bones and large muscles but now I guess it's going to be a good thing for me! Who knew????

So my first week results which won't be technically official because I used my scale at home are still good!  Since my coach was gone on my weigh in day I just have monitored it myself. According to this so called amazing scale (which actually is more bothersome than the old school scales) I've lost 7 lbs. This means I've come back to what I weighed a year ago! Hallelujah!  Now, it's on to losing that stubborn body fat that's been sitting there for years!


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