Weapon of choice

So while I am on a very restricted diet (low carb, no dairy, NO sugar) I have become hyper aware of how strong certain foods and chemicals affect us.

I am amazed first and foremost at how I am not craving sugar or diet soda. I was never one of those people who could have 'just one' cookie or 'just a bite' of that dessert. God help me, if brownies were made I was eating a third of the pan in one sitting!  It's not the chocolate we're craving here, it's the sugar. Our pancreas (well, more specifically MY pancreas) has been working overtime for years. I was pre-diabetic (what a stupid term) for a while but I did nothing to curb my sugar consumption. How could I? Sugar is an addictive substance. Hey drug dealers, don't use heroin, coke or meth to get people under your control. Use sugar instead! It's just as addictive AND it causes people to get fat, sick and die!

Yeah, I know.... a little too much.  I'm not saying I don't love sugar because I do! I love it too much. My pancreas went into overdrive and I became diabetic this year. Well, I didn't do much about it until I decided to finally start losing weight. This time, it's serious because it's my life and my health. I won't live a long life if I continue to go down the diabetic path. I had to do something and doing this diet is what is changing my life.  I'm not a huge fan of eating so restrictively but I am a huge fan of what it's doing to my pancreas and the rest of my body. My body fat is being used for fuel which means I'm losing weight and more specifically, fat. My pancreas is operating at a normal level so it's happy right now. It's not having to create a bunch of insulin to counteract all the crap I would have normally put into my body. It's so happy right now that I will bet my next doctor's appointment (a week from today) will show that I'm either no longer diabetic OR my numbers are so good that I'll get to avoid meds and just have to watch my diet.

I read this article in National Geographic about sugar and obesity in America. Fascinating subject....and a scary one. I cannot believe how overweight we have become as a society. It's sad too, because poverty stricken areas are given foods with high sugar content (natural or otherwise) so those folks are struggling doubly hard because they can't afford to buy better foods. I could go on and on but I will just suggest you read this very interesting article. 

I would ask you one thing after you do read it. TRY to cut as much sugar out of your diet as you can. There are naturally occurring sugars in fruits, veggies, and dairy products that you can enjoy so try to avoid adding anymore than necessary. Get some Stevia if you need to sweeten something like your coffee. It's all natural and much better for you and your pancreas!

Stay healthy!



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