Major leagues

Yeah, it's pre-season for football but I really do love baseball and it's getting to the dog days of summer and the World Series so whatev...... ;-)

But my reference is one about my personal feelings. I've always been really hard on myself. I have always felt that the 'prize' was always just within reach but my short arms are constantly just a little too short. I've had LOTS of great things in my life, don't get me wrong but you know how it is to "covet thy neighbors' goods." right?

I hit a milestone birthday and it feels like this has been my year to dig deep and learn who I really am and what makes me tick. I have made mental pros/cons lists about me and I knew it would be time to start figuring out how to be a happier and healthier me so the 'rest' of my life would be one of quality and not of chaos (which tends to follow me - and only because I let it!).

I finally had my own 'come to Jesus' meeting with myself about my health. My weight has been creeping up and up (amazing what being married to a great guy does!) and after hitting a benchmark weight and clothing size and really feeling the discomfort of the weight itself (plus having high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes) made me look at myself and say 'enough'. (Imagine Laine Kazan in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" say it though. Much funnier!) I calculated that over 11.5 years I have clocked in 32 additional lbs and God only knows how many lbs of that is fat.  I had a physical last year (with all the trappings a newly minted 50 year old faces) and I didn't seem to freak out over anything being so out of whack numbers wise. I was in denial. I let myself worry more about the cancer screenings (which were the normal tests - and I was clean as a whistle in that department) and worry about whether or not the Big C was coming after me.  Yeah.... I'm good at ignoring the obvious and keeping busy with the trivial to avoid the real stuff.

I attacked my weight last summer when Mark and I started Nutrisystem. I've talked about this in a previous blog so I don't need to rehash that. It was really nice to have lost 15 lbs and I bought some new clothes (not too many) to celebrate. It was just a short term fix though. I was not super happy with the program and the holidays came in and took my attention so that was that. I can't believe how fast that weight came back.  Only now have I found the determination and will power and strength to finally fight this weight battle. I still wonder about the state of the American nation and its battle against obesity. All our foods (frozen, boxed, etc.) have so much stuff in it and yet we still go for what's convenient. I am the queen of fast food so I'm not being judgmental. I like what is easy and fast!  I recently read an article on National Geographic about sugar and its addictive qualities and the timing of that was perfect as I was just starting my IP diet.  I love making and eating desserts (truly, I do!) but I decided I have to start coming up with ways to cut the sugar down because it's so NOT good for us.

The addiction to sugar is huge. I still want to be able to enjoy it from time to time but I am planning to battle it for the rest of my life so I can be healthy and diabetes free. Our style of eating incorporates so many sugars (rice, pasta, bread, dairy all have it) so it's a matter of eating smaller amounts and eating more lean proteins and veggies and some fat so there's a happy balance. Cutting soda out is a huge thing. Not just regular, but diet soda. Diet soda (you know I LOVE my Diet Pepsi!) has a couple of evil things in it. I can't believe the effect these chemicals and acids have on our system. I'm not saying I'll never have one again. I'm just saying I have to avoid it forever. Sorry DP - our love affair will have to end.

I have actually noticed my physical health improving (besides the weight loss) and I'm sleeping better, my stomach/intestines seem much happier and I feel more energetic, clear-headed and focused. I am down 12 lbs from my first weigh in so I know my clothes feel much looser and comfy. I don't think I'll feel elated until I am down a size or two though, because I'm so damn competitive! I also want to see the numbers from my next physical (in 2 weeks) and see a real change in cholesterol, BP and blood glucose readings.  I want to be taken off my BP medications permanently. That's when I'll know  I have finally made it into the major leagues and I'm a contender!


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