Cuz ya got to have Faith....

Mark and I had a lovely evening with our dear friends, the Summers this past Sunday (Super Bowl Sunday at that!). We got to enjoy a big bowl of spaghetti (Christy really makes a mean Bolognese sauce!), salad and all that yummy garlic bread. I wish I could have enjoyed it more.... I was having a weird stomach thing Sunday (and Monday too) so while the taste was fab, the intestines were unhappy most of the night.

We have long admired both Mr. & Mrs. S. for their strong faith in God. They truly walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to this subject. Yes, they're human and they make mistakes. But the big thing that they do is truly have a relationship with God - they talk to Him and they listen to Him. I know that I talk to God all the time. But do I actually listen to the answer? Not all the time.

Both Christy and Mark have their own conversations with God and then discuss with each other their needs and concerns. They work as a team (as any married couple should) and figure things out and support each other's decisions. It seems so simple.... and it is!

The other thing Mark S. said was that he stopped worrying about so much. If you have faith in your God, then you have to trust your God. Pretty simple, right? Things may not be clear and easy but if you have trust, not just faith you can stop worrying about everything else and know that you are loved and taken care of.

Now that doesn't mean you are exempt from working for a goal. It doesn't mean you get to be on vacation all the time. We still have responsibilities and we will have obstacles in our path to deal with. It's tough to embrace what we perceive to be negative but when did we ever learn as much when things were easy? We have to take all the opportunities that are given and roll with it.

I've been allowing a lot of theatre related stuff to get to me for the past week or so. I can get sucked into the drama if I'm not careful. My attitude about some people and their behaviors haven't been all that exemplary. Why have I been letting myself think such negative thoughts and let myself get so worried about my own theatrical endeavors coming up?  Lots of self doubt creeping into my own abilities - and normally I don't feel that way at all when I do a show! Mark has had his own worries and concerns (all very viable and important) so he's been feeling sick or nervous or upset about lots of things too.

So yesterday despite my stomach issues and my uneasy sleep from it, I managed to wake up and say good morning to God and ask him what I needed to do for that day. Granted, I didn't have a lot of energy but he did speak to me and I managed to get some things done. Today, I did the same thing. I gave my shout out and thanked Him for the glorious weather we've been having and asked him to speak to me and help me give me my plan for the day and beyond if He was so inclined.

The greatest gift I have received in all of this is peace. I don't think I've ever felt so calm and happy despite all the things that are still swirling around me and Mark. We've still got problems and issues but we also have so much to be thankful for. We've got to work through things but we will, especially knowing that we not only have faith in God but we have complete trust in God.

Talk. Listen. Have faith. And most of

Psalm 91:2 “I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”


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