New Year's Resolutions

I feel the need to be very clear and concise this morning. I'll try not to ramble.

I don't normally believe in doing resolutions because they're bound to fail for me. But this year feels different. I've undergone serious changes over the past couple of years, including turning 50 last month! Happy birthday to me! I remember thinking how old 50 was! I'm happy to say that way of thinking is so wrong! I actually feel young! And smarter! Well, maybe 'wiser' is the better word here. ;-)

Okay.... I'm taking the reins on accountability. If I fail, I won't beat myself up. I'll just keep at it. After it actually a competition? Nope. It's about continuing to evolve and become a better me.

So here's my list:

1) Lose weight and get in shape. I am tired of feeling heavy. It's more than actual numbers - it's the way I feel. I feel sluggish and slow.  I want to feel healthy.

2) Stop taking criticisms and corrections so personally. I'm really everything I do. It's constant and I'm tired of feeling this way. Remember that people just want to help me and I need to appreciate and respect that.

3) Have more patience. Don't be so quick to criticize. If I must criticize, do it kindly.

4) Clean and organize my entire house. And be vigilant in keeping up with it.

5) Walk away from someone if they create more drama in my life. Thank them for all the good they've given me and move on.

7) Stop gossiping.

8)  Find new ways to be creative.

9) Don't look at the problem or the project as a whole mountain. Take it one step at a time. 

10) Adopt rescue animals.

11) Thank my wonderful husband each and every day in words and deeds.

12) Travel more.

13) Be a good listener.

14) Be a good friend.

15) Don't be ashamed when I fail. Learn from my mistakes and do it better the next time.

16) Be a good mentor.

17) Smile more.


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