Acting: genius?

Yes, this is a rant. I am sitting here on a semi cold day enjoying a hot chocolate at a cool coffee shop. So why the rant? I was checking emails and FB statuses (great game Seahawks!) and something struck me today.

As an actor, I've been really lucky. I've had some great roles and been in some terrific shows. Lately, I've begun to realize how difficult it is to get roles as a woman reaching "middle age". I have a auditioned for a couple of things lately and not been cast (and that's okay!) and then I read an email from a man that has 3 shows lined up (overlapping) and possibly another if he gets in. I'm not mad at the actor - I'm mad that we don't do shows that feature more women since fewer men do theatre.

Rejection is okay. That's a given in theatre. I just hate the unfairness of the sexes though. It's just a fact of life though and I have to deal with it.

Okay. Back to my coffee shop and your regular daily programming.

Go Seahawks! Superbowl 2014!


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