New year, new you

Ugh..... I blog so little these days and this poor blogger site has been ignored for 2 years because of it. I suppose I could just cut and paste the same thing on all the sites!

Well, well.... since that is now the plan this lover-ly blog shall no longer be ignored!

Many good things to come along this year I think. I am seriously considering quitting my current job (of course, this is just me thinking about it at this point) as I'm burning out hard and fast and want some new excitement in my life. I've been with them for almost 6 years and lots of changes have/are occurring so I'm thinking it might be the right time to search for something new.

Of course, I do have some potential career opportunities within my volunteering. I'm hoping to switch careers so that I'm actually working in the non-profit arena and specifically in the arts. We're always told to do what we love and not be slaves to our jobs so I'm going to try to work that one out. If it doesn't happen I'll really be disappointed. If I were a little more financially sound I'd consider leaving my job and taking unemployment for 6 months or so but with this unstable economy I don't think that's such a wise idea!

Ah..... well, I know that things have got to be looking up this year. 2008 wasn't the 'best' year for me but it certainly doesn't qualify for the 'worst' either. It was difficult at times though and I am not really sure why. Sure, finances were tight and I have had some dramas to deal with both at work and in my theatre life but there were some wonderful things that happened including the blossoming relationship and eventual marriage of two of our best friends (that was something Mark and I helped start and encourage). Mark has been a rock for me and while we have our normal ups and downs he is truly a man of honor and he gives me his heart on a daily basis. Hard to believe we're working on 8 years!

I am going to sign off with a hope and a prayer that this year will be the best year of my life. (Of course, the impending birth of our dear friends' baby will probably be the highlight of the year!) I want to approach each January that I am alive on this earth with this same attitude.


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