And now for something completely different

Okay, so I had my depressing meltdown last night.....

I have them occasionally. I think yesterday was just too long of a day filled with too much activity that I'm not getting paid for. Considering it was my ONE day off...oh well.

Now I can look forward to a week of trivial television shows that entertain me to no end. Tonight's line up is 'The Bachelor' and I know how shallow and lame it is but it entertains me. That's the key right there! Of course it competes with my current all-time favorite show 'Cities of the Underworld' but at least that show is on Comcast's On Demand so I can catch up with it!

Beyond that, I typically get my Ace of Cakes fix on Food Network, my trashy Girls Next Door on E!, and some fun forensic CSI kind of shows on Tru TV.

What a life! Hey.... it helps me escape the boring stuff.... like WORK.


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