Let's Get Physical!
I know........why did I have to quote Olivia Newton John? Well.....my alternatives were much worse, let me tell you! I am seriously on a workout kick now. The fast over the weekend yielded a weight loss (not that I was really trying) of 5 lbs. and it was mainly something to help get the toxins out and help all the internal organs prep for this onslaught of health and wellness! You'd think it wouldn't have taken me this long to try to get moving in the right direction but I'm finally doing it. I guess carrying these extra 25 lbs did it to me! Getting up extra early to work out and do ab work and yoga stretching at night is tough especially since I'm working all day and in rehearsals now. Trying to eat on a schedule is really tough too but I'm working at it too. Now that I'm focusing on the 5 small meal concept I'm finding that I'm really not that hungry. Night time is still tougher since I'm a habitual nosher but I haven't snacked at night for 4 nights and I'm working on the 5th! Reading about my exercise program (I'm doing a DVD series and some gym work too) I understand that the 3rd day is the worst. Well that is tomorrow so I'm wondering how badly my muscles will be hurting! I guess I'll know in less than 24 hours! hahahaha!