Happy 2014 everyone!!!

Well..... 2013 certainly was a year. It was filled with highs AND lows. Mark losing his job on Jan. 31st was a killer. He couldn't find anything and we are so grateful that Sellen asked him to come back on contract in late June. Thank goodness they had faith to bring him back because they offered him a full time position two weeks ago beginning TODAY!  We're back on full benefits and no longer have to pay Cobra payments for our insurance. Woo-hoo!  He also gets full credit on vacation and PTO's so he gets a full 10 years of work history as if he never left! Yay!

So 2013 had some good things after all!!!!

 I started on this amazing diet plan and as of today, January 1, 2014 I am 48 lbs lighter than I was August 5th. I have 10-12 lbs left OR depending on my body fat percentage, it could be less (or more). I won't have a weigh in for 11 days so I won't know that statistic until then. In the meantime, I'm trying to stay on protocol and keep losing weight and/or inches so I know I'm continuing to burn fat off this body of mine. 

I am creeping into a size 6 finally....I bought another pair of 6 pants yesterday so I know it's becoming a reality. When I am able to lose at least 5 more lbs (and the equivalent fat and inches) I know that 'six' will be a permanent reality and 'eight' will be for when I eat too much!  Right now, I'm dabbling in it depending on the brand and cut. I thought about it....if I can lose 12-ish lbs, I could actually end up in some 4's! Weird!!!!! But what an amazing way to finish up this new dietary and lifestyle change!

My cousin got married this past August and because of that I reconnected with his mom/stepdad and his brothers. That was a joy. We got to go to the Inn at Langley for the wedding (Rob and his wife put the whole family up for the weekend!) for a much needed vacation and even got to bring the pups. That was a big highlight this year.  I love my cousin as if he were my brother....such a great guy!

I finally started shaking off the depression I've been fighting for the last 3 years. It's been a long road recovering from the loss of my mom but I'm finally out of the darkness. It feels great to be normal again!

I'm starting to look at a new career path. While I love teaching music, it's not paying great and it's not steady anymore. I'm looking at a couple of options and hoping for some good luck in the near future. Money is always tight since I haven't had anything steady for 3 years so I would appreciate a prayer or two from you for my success!

I'm finding myself burning out on an artistic level too. Sad to say but I'm considering not directing on a regular basis. It's too much work sometimes and we don't even get paid! I love it and will always want to do it but I'm thinking long and hard about taking a break. A really, long break. Acting and singing will still be a part of my life but I'm seriously contemplating a full battery recharge. I have to think about it a little more before I make a decision. In the meantime, I've got 2 shows on my directing plate this year plus I intend to audition for at least one show so I'm not quitting by any means.

Seriously, I'm not quitting. I had such a great time teaching at Camp CSTOCK last summer. I got to do music (as always) but then got to teach Shakespeare too. That was so much fun and I cannot wait to do it again. I love doing theatre with kids!

On another artistic note, I got to play the role of a lifetime when I played Maria Callas in "Master Class" last June. I know I could have done a better job and hope that maybe I can do the role again to prove that point, especially now that I'm as thin as Maria Callas was!!! That would be a bonus for me... to be able to look even more like her and to have the health and energy that I do now. I would have so much more to give the role! Even so, if I never get to play her again I was lucky to get that part. I am eternally grateful to my dear friend Andrea for casting me in that role. I am LUCKY.

Mark started going to RCIA class this fall and I've been going with him. He's made the decision to become a Catholic and I couldn't be more happy for him. Not because I'm Catholic because I'm far from a good one. I actually feel like a failure in that department but I'm trying to learn again and that's why I've been so happy to be able to attend class with him so I can relearn much of what I studied so many years ago. Honestly, I don't think we were taught very well back then in terms of our faith so this has been a blessing on so many levels. I look forward to Mark becoming a full fledged member of my Church and the two of us becoming more active as volunteers.

I'm hoping to get more physically active this year now that I've lost weight. I started doing 30 day challenges this month and I like that because they're smaller goals that feel attainable. I like having a check off list everyday as I'm pretty task/goal oriented. I started with a 30 day plank challenge and a 30 day 'easy' squat challenge. My abs and my quads are SORE but not as sore as the first day of a full out weight training session. I hope to see some toning since I have to be super careful about exercise on my diet. I'll keep ya posted on the things I notice! Gotta stay accountable and motivated!


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