
Showing posts from January, 2014

Andy Rooney's thoughts on women over 40

I truly loved this. What a great way to start the weekend! Andy Rooney's thoughts on women over forty, Do you agree with him?: As I grow in age, I value women who are over forty most of all. Here are just a few reas ons why: A woman over forty will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, “What are you thinking?” She doesn’t care what you think. If a woman over forty doesn’t want to watch the game, she doesn’t sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it’s usually something more interesting. A woman over forty knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of forty give a hoot what you might think about her or what she’s doing. Women over forty are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can ge...

Button Up Your Overcoat.....

Someone I knew died last week. Ironically, he died the same day another man I had the fortunate chance to meet did. Except..... he was 28 and the other man was 89. We all have our time on this earth and then we're called back to our higher power. I'm not here to push religion but I have a firm faith that there is a God and He does have a timetable for us. I always find it shocking though, when someone so young as Matthew dies. He died from complications of the flu and pneumonia. THE FLU.  Yee Gads.... this is scary stuff people. The flu can kill you. It's not something to be messed with. I was never a proponent for flu shots although when I was a kid and under Navy medical care my dad insisted I get them. He was always overprotective, especially after I caught pneumonia as a 12 year old. That was scary stuff. Even though that was almost 40 years ago, I still remember the painful cough and the disgusting drainage from the infection. My lungs were filled with the grossest...

Stop with the excuses, okay?

I'm blogging the same post on both my blogs today. It's focused on diet so I figured 'why not?'  I have become a huge proponent of the low carb/high fat lifestyle. Granted, while I'm on IP I can't do that much fat but a healthy 'low' amount is approved so that weight loss won't stall. Since IP is about being in ketosis (burning the fat reserve already in the body) they don't want us adding too much more. I'm not talking about doing Atkins after IP since that allows for too much fat, almost to the point of being grossed out by it. This is more about the newer 'Wheat Belly' or basic ketogenic diet. Almost all gluten/sugar is cut out from your diet in IP but will be slowly reintroduced after reaching your weight loss goal. Part of the reason I want to switch over to Wheat Belly after IP is that it continues to encourage little to no gluten and sugar, actually less than IP maintenance. I know it works because I've started eliminatin...

Super Bowl!

I don't rant a lot about sports. I have very eloquent friends that do such a great job that I just agree (or disagree) with their statuses, posts on social media. Makes it easier. I've been a Seattle Seahawks fan since the beginning. I was around and old enough to be a football fan when we got the franchise. My dad watched games all the time and took me to see the Hawks all the time when I was growing up. I kind of miss the old Kingdome! But not was ugly and Qwest Field is so much nicer! I normally can't watch entire games because I SCREAM in frustration. I am very affected by the environment and it's well known that the 12th Man is incredibly LOUD and VOCAL. They are one of the reasons why Seattle is such a great team. If I had been at that game, I would have lost my voice and probably not had it back for days. The tv can be just as bad because I am so physical and I yell at the poor screen!  So I only kept tabs on my phone for the first half and then s...

Stormy Weather

Keeps raining all the time...... Seriously! What a lousy day..... the only good thing about today is that the Seahawks are playing! My show is rehearsing and opens in 5 weeks. I can't believe this. Just finished blocking. Now I have to get things built, painted and running. It will all work out, I know. I go through this panic around this time in the rehearsal process. I swear to myself I'll never direct again and then I get to the theatre, start working with my actors and love the whole process all over again. I'm so melodramatic! I've got a great team of people working with me so I know it will be good. I don't ever doubt them. It's all about me when I'm doubting. Go figure.... I get down on my knees and pray a lot during this part. It usually works. :-) Weight loss wise, I lost 4 lbs after a lousy couple of weeks of up and down weight. The fat is really starting to come off now and I can tell! My stomach is still really jiggly but it's so much...

Happy 2014 everyone!!!

Well..... 2013 certainly was a year. It was filled with highs AND lows. Mark losing his job on Jan. 31st was a killer. He couldn't find anything and we are so grateful that Sellen asked him to come back on contract in late June. Thank goodness they had faith to bring him back because they offered him a full time position two weeks ago beginning TODAY!  We're back on full benefits and no longer have to pay Cobra payments for our insurance. Woo-hoo!  He also gets full credit on vacation and PTO's so he gets a full 10 years of work history as if he never left! Yay! So 2013 had some good things after all!!!!  I started on this amazing diet plan and as of today, January 1, 2014 I am 48 lbs lighter than I was August 5th. I have 10-12 lbs left OR depending on my body fat percentage, it could be less (or more). I won't have a weigh in for 11 days so I won't know that statistic until then. In the meantime, I'm trying to stay on protocol and keep losing weight and/or ...