You Gotta Have Heart
I always promise I won't duplicate blog postings (I have one specifically for my IP diet journey) and while it's not a duplicate, it will show something I'm really proud of today.
I had a physical which means I also had to do lab work to check my glucose and check cholesterol and stuff. I was still reading high on my blood pressure unfortunately and I had to do a home check for 10 days for my doctor. It's still high on the diastolic number (the lower BP number) so I have a hunch I'm not getting of meds anytime soon. While that's a bummer, at least she's aware that my meds probably need a tweak and that's okay.
Still awaiting my glucose numbers (diabetes - which I came in as full blown positive last summer) to see if I've brought that down which I know I have since IP works on the pancreas and insulin production through the cutting back of carbs (sugar). In the meantime, my cholesterol numbers arrived 24 hours after my visit to the lab. I had forgotten how high my numbers were last summer. Seriously, I was obviously in denial because I was a walking heart attack waiting to happen.
Super proud that I've made such a difference in my cholesterol numbers. Here's how it panned out:
Cholesterol 214* (normal is 100-199)
HDL Cholesterol 50 (normal is 40-120)
Chol/HDL Ratio 4.3 (normal is 1.5-5.0)
Triglycerides 180 (normal is 40-249)
LDL Cholsterol 128 (normal is 30-129)
Cholesterol 257* (normal is 100-199)
HDL Cholesterol 35* (normal is 40-120)
Chol/HDL Ratio 7.3* (normal is 1.5-5.0)
Triglycerides 428*(normal is 40-249)
LDL Cholesterol 166* (normal is 30-129)
The asterisked results are too high. As of today my cholesterol needs to come down 15 more points to get into normal range but I brought it down 43 points! I am super proud that everything else is normal! Especially my triglycerides! 428 to 180? DAMN!!!!
I had lost around 18 lbs at the time of my physical - I wonder what I would have read had I waited until I finished the first phase of my diet? Yeesh! I honestly can't wait for my next physical! I know... I am such a GEEK.
I had a physical which means I also had to do lab work to check my glucose and check cholesterol and stuff. I was still reading high on my blood pressure unfortunately and I had to do a home check for 10 days for my doctor. It's still high on the diastolic number (the lower BP number) so I have a hunch I'm not getting of meds anytime soon. While that's a bummer, at least she's aware that my meds probably need a tweak and that's okay.
Still awaiting my glucose numbers (diabetes - which I came in as full blown positive last summer) to see if I've brought that down which I know I have since IP works on the pancreas and insulin production through the cutting back of carbs (sugar). In the meantime, my cholesterol numbers arrived 24 hours after my visit to the lab. I had forgotten how high my numbers were last summer. Seriously, I was obviously in denial because I was a walking heart attack waiting to happen.
Super proud that I've made such a difference in my cholesterol numbers. Here's how it panned out:
Cholesterol 214* (normal is 100-199)
HDL Cholesterol 50 (normal is 40-120)
Chol/HDL Ratio 4.3 (normal is 1.5-5.0)
Triglycerides 180 (normal is 40-249)
LDL Cholsterol 128 (normal is 30-129)
Cholesterol 257* (normal is 100-199)
HDL Cholesterol 35* (normal is 40-120)
Chol/HDL Ratio 7.3* (normal is 1.5-5.0)
Triglycerides 428*(normal is 40-249)
LDL Cholesterol 166* (normal is 30-129)
The asterisked results are too high. As of today my cholesterol needs to come down 15 more points to get into normal range but I brought it down 43 points! I am super proud that everything else is normal! Especially my triglycerides! 428 to 180? DAMN!!!!
I had lost around 18 lbs at the time of my physical - I wonder what I would have read had I waited until I finished the first phase of my diet? Yeesh! I honestly can't wait for my next physical! I know... I am such a GEEK.