Standin' in the Need of Prayer

Poor Mark. It's been 3.5 months since he was laid off from work. He has applied for jobs to no avail. And of course, the one he thought he was truly right for, he didn't even get notification of any kind. The jobs were filled and that's that. Ugh.... his heart just got crushed with that one. Especially since he knows someone on the inside and they had met and discussed his strengths and qualifications and they felt he would get the interview.

I'm sitting here praying that he can find something soon. It's hard to watch him go into this horrible funk. He wants to provide for his family and is feeling like a failure. I can't really tell him otherwise and I understand. He can't seem to find anything on this side of the water that pays enough or he is overqualified so he gets passed up.

I know that there is something out there..... I just wish he didn't have to worry and go into this spiral of depression. He has the strongest faith of anyone I know..... but he is a sensitive soul and certainly could use a boost. I know I don't have a lot of people reading this blog and that's okay since that wasn't my goal but I would appreciate those few of you that do to please send out a prayer to your higher power for him. It's not about the money (even though it kind of is) - I just want Mark to feel like he is useful and successful. I keep crossing my fingers that he'll find something that he can be excited about but at this point anything that would just help pay the bills would be helpful.

I'm praying so hard for his welfare - he is such a good man and he is at the point where even he wants to get out of this house and do something and feel accomplished again. I'm praying that he can find some joy and happiness in his accomplishments again. He truly is a great man; he walks the walk and talks the talk.

Lord, please help Mark find a great career. It is hard to have patience but we are both working towards being more patient and following our path towards You. We truly are grateful for everything we have now and we praise You for that. Give Mark peace of mind and let him have the opportunity to relax knowing he is able to take care of his family.



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