Green Eyed Lady
I am heartbroken...
I am crying quietly, yet uncontrollably.
My lovely dog, Birdie was diagnosed with kidney failure today and there is nothing we can do for her. We have had her less than a year. She had just retired from being a show dog and had given birth one time to a beautiful little boy named Bogey. We were to take her and give her a forever home with no pressures other than to live the life of retirement and bliss.
My tears won't stop. I feel ripped off. She's almost 8 years old and should be able to have another 4-6 years. But now, we're forced into deciding when she'll take her last breath unless her poor shriveled kidneys decide to fail on her first.
She looks a little tired... a little less sparkle than she used to have a few months ago. But she still looks and acts like a healthy dog. She hides her constant pain and discomfort like the best actress in the world. She nudges me for love, she barks at the vacuum and the hair dryer, and she wants to play with her ball outside.
She has days or weeks left. Not years like I thought we had. I am so angry. My eyes get very, very green when I cry or when I'm upset. I'm both right now. I can't even begin to describe how green they are.... it's almost a color that doesn't exist in nature or on a graphics program.
I am heartbroken.....
I am crying quietly, yet uncontrollably.
My lovely dog, Birdie was diagnosed with kidney failure today and there is nothing we can do for her. We have had her less than a year. She had just retired from being a show dog and had given birth one time to a beautiful little boy named Bogey. We were to take her and give her a forever home with no pressures other than to live the life of retirement and bliss.
My tears won't stop. I feel ripped off. She's almost 8 years old and should be able to have another 4-6 years. But now, we're forced into deciding when she'll take her last breath unless her poor shriveled kidneys decide to fail on her first.
She looks a little tired... a little less sparkle than she used to have a few months ago. But she still looks and acts like a healthy dog. She hides her constant pain and discomfort like the best actress in the world. She nudges me for love, she barks at the vacuum and the hair dryer, and she wants to play with her ball outside.
She has days or weeks left. Not years like I thought we had. I am so angry. My eyes get very, very green when I cry or when I'm upset. I'm both right now. I can't even begin to describe how green they are.... it's almost a color that doesn't exist in nature or on a graphics program.
I am heartbroken.....