Wisdom - something to share?

Still job hunting.....and crossing my fingers.  Keep sending out good vibes toward me, okay?

I was sitting in the office looking at various social media sites. I try not to get drawn into any dramas so I just read,observe and stalk a few people here and there, LOL!

I have been watching one particular person who honestly, I think is quite dumb. They certainly have made some really stupid life choices and I'm not sure if they know it. Occasionally, I have wondered if I should impart some of my wisdom to them but something stops me. Probably a wise thing to just let things lie. I think they would probably get psycho on me anyway tell me to mind my blankety-blank business. ;-) And I've certainly made some AWFUL choices in life so I guess I'm not one to preach....thank goodness I've learned some things since then.

So, I guess I'm kind of wasting my time but it's sort of a guilty pleasure. Kind of like reality TV without the TV.  Part of me feels awful but the other part is giggling - waiting for the next disaster to happen.

In the meantime, I'll just be waiting for the next epsode of 'As the Stomach Turns' (Carol Burnett reference!) and shaking my head in amazement at the dumb things that people do.


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