
Showing posts from February, 2013

And back to our regular programming

I hope to start getting more into the foodie & now DIY blog stuff again shortly. I'm a little more focused on life events right now since we're dealing with a few things. Hoping that I'll have some good news to herald on the new job horizon shortly..... In the meantime, I have heard from two theatres so I know I'll be directing a musical and a play next season and that makes me very happy. We're not talking big pay but it's something I love doing. Can't wait to start working on designs and such..... I can't wait to say the names of the shows. REALLY psyched! I have been doing a lot of soul searching and praying lately, especially with the difficulties we've been facing lately. I have strong faith though, and I know Mark and I are being guided and watched over. We also have terrific friends trying to steer us toward new careers and make sure we're doing okay. For all that, I am so VERY grateful. I can only hope I can be such a good friend ...

Wisdom - something to share?

Still job hunting.....and crossing my fingers.  Keep sending out good vibes toward me, okay? I was sitting in the office looking at various social media sites. I try not to get drawn into any dramas so I just read,observe and stalk a few people here and there, LOL! I have been watching one particular person who honestly, I think is quite dumb. They certainly have made some really stupid life choices and I'm not sure if they know it. Occasionally, I have wondered if I should impart some of my wisdom to them but something stops me. Probably a wise thing to just let things lie. I think they would probably get psycho on me anyway tell me to mind my blankety-blank business. ;-) And I've certainly made some AWFUL choices in life so I guess I'm not one to preach....thank goodness I've learned some things since then. So, I guess I'm kind of wasting my time but it's sort of a guilty pleasure. Kind of like reality TV without the TV.  Part of me feels awful but the o...

Take this job and....

and be grateful for it. ;-) Life has thrown us a curve ball and now it's time to go out and find a job. I will get more into detail when I'm given permission to say so but in the meantime I'm placing applications where I think I'd be a good fit. I'm trying not to be desperate quite yet. A couple of companies (always insurance, it seems) came a' calling but I will not work for those slimy door-to-door types. I am crossing my fingers for a particular position. The job closes tomorrow so they'll start reviewing the apps after that. I don't want to have to wait more than a couple of weeks for this....and I hope that I get this one or something similar within the same organization. Pray for me.....