I'm a Bad, bad girl

I thought I might get a little break next week. But I'm not. I'm a bad person. I really wanted Mark's mom to go away for the week and visit her sister. But it's not to be. I guess they're too busy to have her over. I find that really odd. You'd think family would want to visit, especially when everyone is getting older and dying, right?

That means I get to have her here for the duration. This was the one light that was shining at the end of the tunnel and I made it to Tuesday.

Cut off at the pass.

Damn.  Five more weeks to go.

I know, I know. I'm a BAD girl.

PS - When you don't want someone to help you around the house (guess who I'm talking about) you give them the simple things to do like fold laundry and unload the dishwasher. I'm playing 'guess where I found the pie cutter?' game during this trip.

This time it was in the utility drawer with the pens & tape.


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