Come on baby, light my fire.

I don't want to dignify my blog with a stupid punk's name. I know I shouldn't let petty B.S. get to me but sometimes certain people can just say a few words, look at you or even just be breathing the same air as you and piss you off, know what I mean?

I am a sensitive creature. I don't take insults and smart ass comments lightly. I 'try' to keep my mouth shut and not say anything for at least a ten count. I want to fly off the handle and just say what's on my mind at the time but I have been taught to try to chill and not dignify the asshat with a response that will just add fuel to the fire. FYI - I love the word 'asshat'. It makes me feel good to say it OR write it down. I'm no saint obviously, and I have a mouth that can swear like a sailor on a bad day. Not that 'asshat' (I'm just giggling with joy being able to type this word more than 3 times already) is a really bad word. It just gives me great satisfaction and glee to use it in a sentence.  Both my parents had hot tempers. I know as a kid, my dad was always in trouble. He drove fast, said whatever was on his mind, and always was in trouble at school and at home. He was a PUNK. My mom's temper was even worse - she rarely used her filter as she got older. Of course, she didn't swear (as she was a lady) so she had a great way of cutting people down without a single bad word. I have that gift too... but I rarely use it. I tend to keep my anger contained like my dad did and then it blow like a volcano after a huge build up. Of course, the problem with containment is that the blast typically hits an innocent bystander. I try not to do that....

But sometimes, I just want to just go for know? I want to start a rumble (of words, at least) and let the switchblades fly (Cue the West Side Story music please). I'm good....really good at cutting to the quick and I rarely and I mean RARELY let my mouth go off like I want it to.

So....I'm sitting here typing this blog trying to calm down and think this through. Why am I letting an off-hand stupid comment from someone on Facebook piss me off so much? Well, part of it is that he's stupid. He has rubbed me the wrong way since the first time I met him. I don't even know why he is my 'friend' on FB. Well, actually I do know why but I guess my point is why is he 'still' a FB friend? Seriously, the comment was flippant and shows how thoughtless he is. I know he'll grow up eventually and he may turn out to be a fine, upstanding guy. I don't know though.... I know a lot of really great young guys that are nice and thoughtful right now and don't say such dumb things on a public forum.

So I am debating whether to just sit tight and make myself calm down and drop it (I'm using as much of my scripture and religious training as I can to tell myself to knock it off) or do I choose to turn into the Acid Queen (sorry for all the musical theatre references - this is too fun) and send a little wickedness over the information highway?

I do think I'll unfriend the stupid kid rather than starting a war of words. I use FB for networking with friends, family and work associates a lot.... I also keep in touch with all the kids I've worked with, taught and watched grow up over the years. It's been really fun to see what all these kids are doing as they move onward and upward.  This kid though.... I don't really care. I hate to say it but I have more important things to do with my life like work with people that care and are compassionate. I know I should try to show more compassion to him and help him see the error of his stupid comment. But somehow, I don't think he would care.

Gads, I'm almost a 50 year old and I still think and act like a kid. I wear my heart on my sleeve.... I guess I really do love a good battle now and then. I think I'd better wait for a much worthier adversary.


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