Put On a Happy Face

Two days ago I was sitting in the chair at the orthodontist office and took the plunge and am now wearing braces (again).  Every time I look in the mirror I am shocked and think it's the 13 year old me looking back. Granted, I weigh a lot more than I did at 13 but my face really looks like I did back then! I almost laugh every time after that initial shock.

I started flashing back and remembered the initial discomfort like the lips, tongue and cheek cuts, as well as the the lisping and extra saliva.  I am looking forward to the day when my mouth develops the calluses so it won't be so uncomfortable.

All this discomfort is certainly worth it. I've already had a lot of dental work done over the past 5 weeks prepping for braces. I was not the best at visiting the dentist regularly but I have learned my lesson. I now have very clean teeth and I floss like a madwoman! Of course, now that I have braces it's more awkward but I am trying to be really good and maintain my new habits.

After a year with braces I should be ready for my jaw surgery.  I certainly didn't expect to hear the orthodontist tell me during my initial consultation that I needed serious surgery on my jaw to correct a narrow, underdeveloped jaw! My bite was bad but the problem with my jaw makes it virtually impossible for my bite to ever be correct, even with straight teeth.

So after the surgery in Seattle (yup, I have to stay in the hospital for this one) I should be healed up in about 6 weeks and then the braces stay on another year. After all that? Well, I still have an implant or bridge to get and then my teeth should be looking perfect.

I can't even imagine this....but I know it will happen! I've already had about $5k of dental work and now have embarked on $6k of orthodontia and then $10k+ for surgery!  Expensive? Yup.... but ultimately worth it!


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