There's a Sucker born every minute
I must have some incredibly high standards that are unreachable. I am in shock over someone's behavior right now. They have gotten away with horrible behavior over the past 5 years or so. I'm wondering how the hell they manage to worm their way into leadership positions despite their lack of respect toward others and their mediocre output. Seriously, I can't believe this person. And even worse, I chose to go against my gut and give them a chance to prove themselves. And they failed. And then lied. I hate to use the word 'never' as you always end up eating your words but he makes me want to say 'never again'. I'm going to put him on my list and keep him at arm's length. I'm done with trying to give any more chances. Time for them to start earning their way back with someone else. I'm going to move on and surround myself with people that care and try their best. Even if they fail, they're doing better than this person. At least they...