Violent Femmes

So I am ever grateful for the summer kids workshops that I'm involved with right now. It has given me an opportunity to be at the theatre and work with some really neat people of all ages. I've really enjoyed the experience so far and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result (which happens to be the musical "Oklahoma").

While I would hate to call this situation an escape, that's kind of what it's been for me. My tolerance level for a certain someone has made it necessary for me to be able to get away and be in my 'safe' place (theatre). Granted, the workshop is a job and a fulfilling one at that and I really am loving and learning at the same time. But ultimately, this really has been a much needed place for me to hide out, calm down, focus on others and just be me.

I literally have no patience for this certain someone. I can't believe how I am feeling about this right now. I am trying so hard to walk a mile in their shoes and keep reminding myself to pray for guidance, acceptance, PATIENCE and tolerance but I find myself getting angry constantly. I wonder if an analyst would have a field day with me trying to find out why I have such violent reactions?

Honestly....I just want to be a good person and enjoy my time with this someone. I can hardly relax and have fun and to pretend that I want them around is difficult.  Seriously, this is when I feel like a really horrible human being. I wonder if I am capable of compassion when I'm like this.


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