We are a weird sort....we humans. We celebrate birthdays, holidays (religious and Hallmark), graduations, retirements, weddings, anniversaries. The obvious thing is that it's beginnings and endings. We celebrate the beginning of life. We celebrate the end of school, the end of a career. We certainly don't 'celebrate' death..... well, actually I guess a wake could be considered a celebration of one's passing. Some people do choose to celebrate the end of a marriage too. ;-) Yet we remember those very important dates when something or someone ends. The date we lose someone really important or an institution like marriage. Actually.... the true date of my divorce of my first marriage (which I know was in October) escapes me because it was a long time ago. Not that it wasn't traumatic or unimportant because it was. It's just I've moved on (as has my ex) so that date doesn't hold a grip over me. The death of a loved one (related or not) is always t...