Do you hear the people sing?

Went to Capitol Playhouse and saw their kids' summer show (one of four!), Les Miserables with Dan and Bob (the directors for our version of this production next summer), Margie (the costumer), Karen (tech staff), Josh, Evan and myself (the producer). After seeing this done professionally years ago I was wondering how a group of kids would be able to pull this 'opera' off. Les Miz is one of those shows that has been elevated to near heavenly status by many theatre geeks. It's still NOT available for community theatres to do (what gives with that?) but a few years ago the publishers and authors gave way to a 'school' edition to be done by the American youth. This of course sets off a dialogue of why they won't let the grownups of the world perform the show. I love working w/kids and am thrilled that they have this opportunity. But I was concerned that they wouldn't 'get' it and try to mimic the recordings. Do I sound a bit sarcastic today? Well, I'll admit that I am. I love this show and it stirs some emotion up in me when I see it done well. But after seeing it yesterday (and the version I saw had some wonderful moments) I was correct in my assessment that these kids didn't 'get' it. They wanted to but some of them blew their voices out trying to mimic Lea Solonga and all the other famous Broadway singers of the world. The boys were actually better than the girls in this show. The chorus was spectacular. But the female leads couldn't get their voices (or their emotions) around the parts. It was too big for all of them.

So.....can we do this show? Yes, I think we can. We've got lots of talented kids here in Kitsap County. I just hope that when we do it, these kids will be comfortable in their own skins so that they will perform it in their own style, feel what they think they should feel and not go over the top. In other words, play it real and do a good job.


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