Autumn Leaves
Oh gosh..... We are having the most beautiful fall weather. I'm looking out my office window as I type this and the blue sky and the falling leaves (green, yellow, orange and red) are just stunning. I'll try to start posting pictures more since I'm using my fancy camera and found all the connectors to transfer photos! I love the fall. I love summer too but the colors this time of year in the great Pacific Northwest are just stunning aren't they? Well, I think they are. The weather has been so cool and crisp too - don't get me wrong, we've had some rainy days too but when it's clear like it is today there is nothing like it. I've seen this on the East coast too but we've got the mountains and water to look at all at the same time here in my little corner of the world and nothing beats that combination. Fall veggies are also cool.... seeing all the pumpkins and squash is just magnificent. The orange and yellows are so beautiful. I could go on an...