They smile in your face....
So I'm ranting a little bit this morning. I can't do it on Facebook unless I block certain people and I'm not in the mood to create more settings. And now social networking becomes censored which pisses me off because I have to worry about hurting people's feelings when all I am doing is stating how I feel or what I'm doing at any given moment. I know, I know.... just change my settings. Well, I might have to just do that. I have recently re-established a relationship with someone who was a very important part of my life/family. While the circumstances are not necessarily the happiest, things are definitely improving for them and I'm glad I can be a part of their life. That being said, there's some garbage from the past that occasionally permeates old relationships. It's not the two people that have issues with the past. We're way, way past all that. It's people who weren't even around at the time that are causing the trouble. All I...