Great Expectations
I have been feeling a little blah lately. I know part of it is just the normal depression I've been dealing with for the past 6 months. I know that with time this will all get better. Since they (whoever they are) say that 'time heals all wounds' I'm counting of the pain of my loss diminishing bit by bit and the regular me will finally be back. Life still goes on of course but I sure do find it hard sometimes to even get out of bed (or off the sofa) and be ambitious. Some days I'm better but the past few have been more difficult. I'm not worrying about this so much and just being able to say that it's been hard to motivate myself makes me feel a lot better. I can acknowledge it and move forward. Anyway, on to what I meant to discuss: as life does go on I was thinking about all my expectations in the arts whether it's music (both my husband and I are professional level musicians), theatre, movies, writing, art, etc. I find that I am super critical of ...