
Showing posts from February, 2009

my overloaded brain - the unedited version

So I have way too much on my already filled plate. I think that's true of a lot of people I know. I think I like to be too busy than not at all though. I am not complaining as much as I think I'm just trying to apologize in advance if I seem preoccupied, distant or deaf if you come within my proximity. ;-) I'm really excited about my show....whoops: showS. The one act is shaping up nicely and I just need to clean up and add some staging here and there. The cast is amazing....I'm really proud of them. I really think we have a shot at winning this competition (state level). This isn't my ego talking...we've got a great show and a great group of people doing it. I am really lucky that way. 'Mattress' is going to be a kick in the pants. I love this cast... they're so talented and so much fun already. My staff and crew are phenoms and I couldn't ask for better. I have had a terrific time at BCT thus far and it has far exceeded my expectations. I can ...

not always so depressing

I always think this blog is so incredibly depressing. I think I just look at it as the spot where I can really let loose and say exactly what is on my mind. So, there are times that I do feel a bit more negative and want to just get it off my chest. I think this is also my alternate reality of sorts. I don't put exactly what I feel on FB or Myspace all the time. Here I feel a little more free. So I can talk about people and call them exactly what they are! Ha! I can also swear like a sailor if need be. I can be completely and utterly truthful. How free that feels. Right now, there is a dusting of snow on the ground and Buddy is curled up in my lap asleep. It is quiet and peaceful. I wish it could be like this for me all day.  Ahh..... I will revel in this as long as I can (a couple of minutes, at least) and try to remember this feeling of utter bliss. 

my small life

I think of Horton the Elephant in "Seussical" saying, "a person's a person no matter how small." Sometimes I feel like I am too small, even for Horton to notice me. I'm not trying to throw myself a pity party here. I have just been contemplating my life and wondering what is its true purpose? I certainly don't think my career is driving me toward some kind of nirvana. It's something that helps pays my bills (even if it isn't enough) and gives me some benefits. I am trying to figure out a way to get out of this rut and do something more meaningful. I am actually surprised to be sitting here at my age thinking these thoughts. I'm kind of wondering what do I have to show for it all?  Do I lead a small life? Do I live in a little microcosm like Who-ville?  Hmmmm, I don't know whether to philosophize or feel sad. 

Dishing it out but not taking it

So I am one of those few directors who likes to thank everyone for auditioning whether the actor gets cast or not. My SM crafted a thank you email to everyone that we didn't cast and thought it was very 'nice' considering it was a rejection letter. Of course, I could've not done anything but I think that's rude. Some people make think it's rubbing salt in the wound. I don't think so. I have learned one important thing doing theatre, especially community theatre. That thing is to thank everyone for being there. And I think it's considerate to say thank you for your time and talents but we chose to cast a different actor rather than saying thanks but no thanks. Anyway, one actor wrote my SM back this brief but concise response: "Don't call us. We'll call you." I'm like.... WTF? Sore loser? You'd think someone who was 40+ years old could learn to say cie la vie or que sera sera? Ugh.... what arrogance. Just take the high road next ...

auditions - the agony and the good stuff

Yikes.... Doing auditions for shows (musicals in particular) are getting to be more difficult. Harder to find enough bodies to be on the stage, especially men. I'm glad I got enough people in general for the show but I'm still about 2 guys shy of a full cast load. I wish more guys enjoyed singing and dancing and making general fools of themselves! You do realize that chicks dig this behavior, right?