
Showing posts from October, 2004


No, I'm not being a pirate..... it's been a frustrating day! Why does work have to be so hard sometimes???? I have to laugh because my horoscope said something about things not being as 'hard as it seems' if I just take a step back. It was still a frustrating day! At least now I get to go sing and dance a little at the theatre. That should put me in a better mood!

More about Drrrrooooooooooooooodddddddd!

I've had lots of questions from people about 'Drood' so I thought I'd say check out this website! Rupert Holmes , the writer of 'Drood' has a cool website that's devoted to his various plays and books. If his name sounds familiar to you, it's because he had a 'one hit wonder' back in the 70's! Do you remember the 'Pina Colada Song'??????? LOL! It's true!!!!

More congrats to some new parents!

Wow.....tis the season! In addition to Jon & Kimberly and Wallace & Julie, I can now add Chris and Anna Borer to the list of prospective parents! Anna is currently in the show I'm doing at BCT (and doing a mighty fine job, I might add) and now their next production will be a beautiful baby! Congrats to you two and the excited grandparents, great grandparents and future uncles!

The mystery of Edwin DROOOOOOOOODDDD!

After a busy week of work and a weekend of work and shows, a group of us went to Capital Playhouse to see 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood.' This is the show I plan to direct at CSTOCK next spring. I have to say that I really enjoyed their version of the show. I've seen it before (which is what sold me on the show the first time) and I came away with new ideas as well as reinforcing certain directorial, design and lighting issues that I already have been thinking about. This show is awesome so if you have a chance, go see it!!!!

Busy, busy, busy.....

Hey! I've been ignoring this blog for a few days. Life has been is slowly getting finished (the remodeling is almost done!) and 'My Way' opens on Friday and we preview tomorrow night! If you're reading this, please come on down (it's free!) and enjoy a show. We definitely need an audience to react to what we're doing so be there for an 8 pm curtain! I'll try to get some pix up here in a couple of days. I keep meaning to bring my digital camera and I have forgotten it every time!

Yeah! A visit from the stork!

Hurray.......Julie and Wallace are expecting! What terrific news! I tend to get really down and out when I'm sick and this was just the news to pull me out of my funk! Congrats to the Ross family! I can't wait to meet the newest member of the family!

slowly but surely

Well, I seem to be coming back from the dead. I felt so much better today. Still didn't have a singing voice (rehearsal was kind of a joke for me!) but Laura gave me some tea bags that she made and I tried some of it tonight. Man, it works! I am not in full voice by any means but it is doing the trick of drying me out and getting that mucky gunk out of me! Wow........herbs are an amazing thing. I spent the evening watching the Edgar Martinez tribute after the Mariner's game. What an honorable man. Eighteen years with the same organization.....that's something you rarely see in professional sports anymore. What a treat to watch him accept all the accolades he truly deserves.

still down and out

Dang it.......this cold/flut thing is settling into my lungs now. I can barely talk. Luckily, work isn't too strenuous right now. We're trying to finish the construction on the new store. Looks like we're going to open by the end of the week. Of course, not being able to talk means not being able to sing. Bad timing w/rehearsals......hopefully, the voice will be back in a day or so.